Living, Laughing, and Loving with Kaci Fell

Here is a look at my life and everything that goes on! I am going to use this as an exit of my thoughts! Also to get everyone living, laughing and loving life!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Bum Weekend

This weekend was a big waste! The only thing I did that was eventful was shop! Friday during the day I felt like it was going to be a good weekend, but the Snyder's went home and without the 3 of them everything seems to fall apart. So Friday night I showered and got ready just to find out that the girls weren't going out. Cat had an interview Saturday morning so she didn't want to go out and Annie was just staying in because she wanted too. Little Sarah went out with some friends from her hometown, so I just stayed home and watched tv.

Saturday I took Cat to her interview in Easton(my favorite place to shop), just to find out that the lady forgot about the interview and wasn't there, so we went into Victoria's Secret and then came back home. We were so completely bored at 4:30 we were looking at a deck of cards that had drinks on the other side, so we decided to go to the liquor store and buy some alcohol to start drinking ourselves. We wanted to make Strawberry Daquiri's and the lady at the liquor store asked if we wanted Bacardi 151? Are you serious? We wanted to make it through the night not be trashed off the smell alone. We got home and started making drinks, but we didn't have a measuring cup to make sure we were pouring the correct amount, instead we just dumped everything in. Well, that was a BAD idea. I was really tipsey after the first one and gone after the 2nd one. They all said I was slurring my words, but I don't recall that. By 6:30 I was laying in my bed because I couldn't get up to get in the shower. I didn't miss much at all, Sarah took a 3 hour nap too. I eventually got up, showered and then found out that we all decided to just stay in again! All the other girls went out besides me, Cat, and Sarah! Even though we didn't go out this weekend, it was still fun! Girls weekend in!

In the Picture: Cat and I drinking our daquiri's!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My Big Day

Yesterday was filled with things to do, I had an interview with Abercrombie and Fitch to be a manager after graduation, and then I went to the CAVS game with a club I am in at school called PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America).

The interview was at Crocker Park in Westlake, I was in the store a few weeks ago and one of the associates asked me if I held a 4 year college degree and I said "I will in June," so she asked for my name and number to possibly be a manager at the store. I was flattered, so Sarah called me to set up the interview and I met her yesterday! Everything went great! At first, I was just going to use it as a practice for interviewing, but then I heard about the goals and ideas for the store and what benefits a manager gets and felt this would be a great opportunity for me! The experience I can get with Abercrombie could take me to another level if I decided to go to another company later in life, or I can move all over the country with Abercrombie. I am a very self-motivated person and can pretty much make my own destiny with Abercrombie, unlike other company's where there isn't much growth potential. I would start out as a MIT, then Assistant, then Store Manager, then District Manager, and then Regional Manager and up and up! They also have bonuses and contests all the time. Sarah drives a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee(company after my heart), has a free cell phone and doesn't pay for any of her gas! Abercrombie is growing more and more, they are in the process of opening a store in London, and 5 stores in Canada!

Next I rushed up to Cleveland to meet PRSSA and go around the Quicken Loans Arena and see what goes on. Amanda Mercado, Director of Public Relations for the Cavs and Bruce Wimbish, Corporate Communications Coordinator showed us around. We got to see where the press sits, takes photo shoots, phone calls and then we got to go to the radio station, and then to the locker room, but we couldn't go in because the players were there. Oh, how could I forget? Zydrunas Ilgauskas walked right by us and said hi, I really wanted a picture but I couldn't get my camera ready fast enough. After she showed us around we sat down and learned more about her job and what she does. Amanda started off as an intern with the Cavs(she played b-ball in college) and then went to Miami, Florida for 1 year and then came back the same year that Lebron James was drafted and has been there ever since. She is in charge of all the media, community appearances, photo shoots, making sure the players talk to the appropriate person and are at the right place when they are needed. She is the one at the end of the games that will go up to the players(mostly Lebron) and whisper to him who he needs to talk to and where at.

After talking with Amanda and Bruce, we got to walk around the arena anywhere we wanted to go because we had passes that allowed us every where the press goes! I got my picture taken with Lebron~he was a cardboard cut out, but we fooled a lot of people, I got a long-sleeved Cavs shirt, a Cavs hat(stocking cap), and a Anderson Varejao wig! Last night was Brazilian Carnival Night (in honor of Varejao) and we beat the world record for the most wigs at a game...Detroit held the last title. We won with 20,562 people wearing wigs! WooHoo!

The Cavs won the game 105 - 92, you all know what that means? CHA-LU-PA! Yep, everyone at the game get a free Taco Bell Chalupa for the Cavs scoring over 100 points! All in all, yesterday was a great day!

In the Pictures, Top: Cavs Logo outside the Locker Room

Middle: Amanda Mercado and Kaci Fell after the tour

Bottom: Stepanie, Kaci, and Anna watching the game

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Ain't Nuthin' But A Gangsta Party

Last night was one of the best nights ever; we went to a theme party and you had to dress like a "gangsta" to get in, so we did it up! We all pretty much dressed the same, a wife beater and sweatpants where one pant leg was pulled up with boxers hanging out and a bandana or hat around our heads! Oh, and we put tattoos on us that said "47," because that is our house number and then we put our new gangsta name on us...mine was Sista Jade; we got our names from a website that would take our names and then tell us what our rap star name would be.

When we showed up to the party we had a certain walk that we had to do as we entered the door. But, I think only half of us did it. The best part about entering the house was all of us carrying 40's in, now for those of you who don't know what a "40" is, it is a 40 ounce bottle of beer. They are actually really big. I was surprised to drink mine. Inside the party they were handing out 40's with paper bags to make it really look gangsta.

I left the party at 1:30 to come home and go to bed, but I was only in bed for about a 1/2 hour and my roommates cousin comes in to tell me that she is really sick, so I get up and check on her as she is literally hugging the toilet. She really felt like she was going to die, so I stayed with her until she felt like she was going to make it. I got her back into bed and then went back to sleep myself.

This morning I wake up and can hear Kelly laughing so I knew she was okay. I walk into her room and her and Natalie are talking about the night while Natalie is STILL drinking! She said she was trying to erase her night away! If I haven't said that I ABSOLUTELY love my roommates~ I DO!

In the Pictures: Top Left(L-R) Natalie, Courtney, Kaci, Kelly, and Jackie
Top Right (L-R)(bottom row) Courtney, Kelly, Kaci, (top row): Jackie, and Natalie

Friday, February 17, 2006

Spring Break Plans!

I am so excited to be heading out west for Spring Break! Yep, my mama and I are going to Beverly Hills, CALIFORNIA. I have always wanted to go to Cali, and hopefully someday move out there. Many people are probably wondering why we are heading out west~ well, I am going to see Dr. Nassif (one of the Dr.'s off Dr. 90210), I have my consultation to have Rhinoplasty(nose) surgery. This is something that I have always wanted to have done because I am really unhappy with the shape/size of my nose. We leave at the end of March and then I plan on actually having the surgery in June after I graduate.

I really want to go a few places while we are out there, the first is Rodeo Dr. (the biggest shopping street out there), and the Jay Leno show! I want to go to the Price is Right, but my sister said that we have to wait until June to do that because she is going with us in June.

The price of Rhinoplasty is pretty expensive, but I have been saving for years to finally give myself the gift of happiness and self confidence that I have always been lacking. No matter where I go, if I see someone looking at me~ the first thing I think they are saying is "look at her nose." I know this probably isn't true, but thats what runs through my head. My mom is totally against my decision, but since I have made my mind up, she is going with me to make sure everything works out. My dad has no idea of my plans, but I am sure he will find out real soon!

My thoughts about plastic surgery where re-enforced while watching the Tyra Banks Show one morning, she had 4 supermodels on her show and she asked the question "How do you feel about plastic surgery?" And they ALL said that if it makes you happy and makes you feel good about yourself then they are completely for it! I couldn't agree more because there is nothing more important than a persons happiness!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Cabbage Problem?!?!

My roommate Kelly put some cabbage down the garbage disposal earlier today and said I think there is something wrong because it made a really weird noise. So she just put some tin foil over that part of the sink with a note saying "Do not use this side of sink." Well she just tried to see if the garbage disposal worked yet, and water came flying out of the pipes under the sink and left a big water mess. I came out of my room to see what happened and saw the kitchen floor flooded with yucky pipe water. So she tried to take the pipes apart to get to the bottom of the problem...well she did, to a point, but then got everything put back together to find that the sink is leaking.

So she was trying to clean up the dirty water with a towel and then dumping it back down the sink, which just keeps leaking out back on the floor! Kelly started to mop up the water and put it in our only pot for cooking food.

The next step is to call Brian, our landlord who is really mean and said that if something was wrong with the garbage disposal again that he was going to charge us. What? Isn't that part of his job? So we are going to try and tell him that the sink was just leaking, and see if he buys it! I have to make sure that Charlie and I are not around because I don't think we are suppose to have dogs.

Kelly, Steph, and I got a big laugh out of this, and I think we all needed it! So I thank Kelly for making my night!!

In the Picture: Kelly mopping up the floor and putting it in our only cooking pot!

Monday, February 13, 2006

My Sick Little Puppy

Today my little boy ate one on my Mom's thyroid pills. So we called the Vet Hotline to see if it was serious and what we needed to do for him. Well, it was serious and we had to give him a teaspoon and a half of peroxide and wait for him to throw it up and then do it again until everything was out of his belly. Once we gave it to him he started walking around the house preparing to purge. It was so sad to watch my 5 lb puppy get sick over an over. So for the rest of the day we were so worried about him and making sure we were every where he was. He is resting with grandma now and hopefully forgetting about what happened to him. I hope he learned a lesson~ don't eat pills when they fall on the floor. And, I learned that if he eats something he isn't suppose to, give him peroxide and wait for him to get sick!

Girls Weekend Out!

This post is specifically for my bestest~ EMILY! She is so amazing in every way! I got to see her on Friday and Sunday, which is really unusual these days with our busy life styles, but it is always so great to spend time with her. On Sunday, we talked about our gossip on things that happened with weekend events! Never anything to grand to tell, but we like to talk! Her little boy is so big now, I didn't get to see him but she sent me some pictures! So precious with his mamma's gorgeous BIG BLUE EYES! Emily~ I posted the pictures just for you!

On Saturday, my mom, sister, gram, and I went to dinner at The Cheesecake Factory at Crocker Park. It was my grams treat for Valentine's Day! Plus we did a little shopping, where I must admit that I was the BEST bargain shopper (so unlike me). I normally pay full price for everything. And when I was leaving Abercrombie and Fitch they offered me a Managerial Position! How exciting! I bought some earrings and on Sunday found that Emily and I had to same ones!

Saturday night was so much fun~ I just love going out around Norwalk (sometimes). We went to our usual spot~ The Office Bar! It was really packed last Friday and packed this Saturday! I will post pictures from the nights! I got to see some friends that I don't run into that often, so we got to gab a little! Oh, and James, he is so hilarious, we met him this summer at Kalahari while he was with some mutual friends and ever since then we always get a kick out of his jokes! He was extra funny this weekend~ he and I were singing "Fall Out Boys, Sugar, we're going down," and he was a little off and my sister goes you are just like my mom, which you would have to know that my mom is always one second behind the words, and that is exactly how James was! So I cracked up for about 5 mins before having to run to the bathroom! It's always a fun night with FRIENDS!!!

In the pics: Top Left (L-R): Kaci, Krista, and Emily

Top Right: (L-R) Nicole Chagaros, Kaci Fell, Jill Ciersezwski, and Katie Cillo

Center: Nicki, and Kaci

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Charlie's missing teeth

I noticed a few days ago that Charlie had his big boy teeth coming in on the top, and he still had little baby ones on the bottom. Well today, I opened his mouth to find that his bottom teeth were completely gone(in the front) and his top teeth were all the way in. So hopefully that explains his constant biting and chewing on anything he can get his teeth on~especially fingers. I think he likes fingers so much because they are soft on the outside (skin) but hard on the inside(bone). I have bought him every kind of bone possible, but he just doesn't like them, so he grabs gloves, shoes, socks, just about anything but a bone. I have also found that saying "NO" just doesn't get him to stop, and if you try and take it from him he thinks you are playing tug-a-war with him! His two favorite toys are a tennis ball, which he has almost completely pulled off the felt and all thats left is the rubber part. The other is a pink squeaky octopus that is so annoying but it keeps him busy so I tolerate it.

He is a little over 3 months now and so BIG. I can't believe how big he got until I went home and saw a video of him when I first got him. I really hope he doesn't get much bigger, he only weighs 5 lbs, but I was told that is all the bigger he will get.

He is the most playful dog I have ever seen besides my moms dog, Chloe. I can't believe how much they act alike. They always have to be the center of attention, and constantly jumping on people to try and get attention. Oh yeah, they are the most spastic dogs you will ever meet. I used to call Charlie "monster", but now I just call him "Spaze." But the difference is Charlie is a baby and Chloe is 6 years old.

My little boy is growing up so fast and I am so sad. I just want him to stay a puppy forever!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Superbowl Sunday

As everyone knows, yesterday was Superbowl Sunday! Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Seattle Seahawks. I didn't care who won, but my mom and sister played on a board so I based my decision on who's score that quarter was going to win money. Unfortunately, they never won. My sister played on a board from her work and one of my good friends Jessi Tinker won the first quarter and then her grandpa won the second quarter~so congratulations to them!!

As for Nicki, Abby, and I, we played tickets all night long and hit a few winners but lost ALOT of money. I have said before that my sister is a BIG gambler, well last night stood true, she kept playing even after she was ahead from when we walked into the Park Square Tavern in Milan, Oh. Abby ended up going in on her own for a while, just to see if she could hit it big, but it just wasn't in her luck. Nicki and I played a few more times and I stopped after we didn't get any winners in 40 tickets, but Nicki just couldn't let go because she KNEW she was gonna hit it BIG! Nope, didn't happen for her either. Good thing I am not a gambler because I walked away a winner and they both lost all their money.

About the game~ I didn't see much because all the girls (my mom, Pam, Nicki, Abby and I) were too busy talking to Jerry Risner! We were cracking up all night long and even played a few more ticket games with them, but it was called "quick 50", it was $1 per ticket and you could win money when you pulled or you got a "sign up" which meant that you were in the drawing for the $50. They played 6 times and won on the last time. At one time we had 6 sign ups and didn't win; I mean there was only 15 sign ups total and we still couldn't win. What are the chances? Oh yeah, that's just our luck!

I left the bar to come home and let the dogs out, so I watched the end of the game at home and to be honest I really like when the game is over and they interview the owner, coach, and players! I do know that the Steelers won 21 to 10, and that this is there 5th Superbowl title! So I guess I do pay attention somewhat! Congratulations to Hines Ward for being named MVP of the Superbowl! He was also the winner of a 2007 Cadillac Escalade(not even available yet)! Extremely nice SUV for those that don't know much about cars (unlike me). We also heard that this is the end of the road for Jerome Bettis (running back for the Steelers), in his statement Sunday night: "It's been an incredible ride and there's always a time when you have to call it quits," Bettis said. "I played this game to win a championship. I'm a champion and I think the Bus...the last time is here in Detroit."

In the Picture: (L -R) Abby Chapin, Nicki Fell, and Kaci Fell