Living, Laughing, and Loving with Kaci Fell

Here is a look at my life and everything that goes on! I am going to use this as an exit of my thoughts! Also to get everyone living, laughing and loving life!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Charlie's missing teeth

I noticed a few days ago that Charlie had his big boy teeth coming in on the top, and he still had little baby ones on the bottom. Well today, I opened his mouth to find that his bottom teeth were completely gone(in the front) and his top teeth were all the way in. So hopefully that explains his constant biting and chewing on anything he can get his teeth on~especially fingers. I think he likes fingers so much because they are soft on the outside (skin) but hard on the inside(bone). I have bought him every kind of bone possible, but he just doesn't like them, so he grabs gloves, shoes, socks, just about anything but a bone. I have also found that saying "NO" just doesn't get him to stop, and if you try and take it from him he thinks you are playing tug-a-war with him! His two favorite toys are a tennis ball, which he has almost completely pulled off the felt and all thats left is the rubber part. The other is a pink squeaky octopus that is so annoying but it keeps him busy so I tolerate it.

He is a little over 3 months now and so BIG. I can't believe how big he got until I went home and saw a video of him when I first got him. I really hope he doesn't get much bigger, he only weighs 5 lbs, but I was told that is all the bigger he will get.

He is the most playful dog I have ever seen besides my moms dog, Chloe. I can't believe how much they act alike. They always have to be the center of attention, and constantly jumping on people to try and get attention. Oh yeah, they are the most spastic dogs you will ever meet. I used to call Charlie "monster", but now I just call him "Spaze." But the difference is Charlie is a baby and Chloe is 6 years old.

My little boy is growing up so fast and I am so sad. I just want him to stay a puppy forever!


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