Living, Laughing, and Loving with Kaci Fell

Here is a look at my life and everything that goes on! I am going to use this as an exit of my thoughts! Also to get everyone living, laughing and loving life!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Adventures in Babysitting!!

This weekend I had to watch my two cousins, Jake, who is 11,and Pete, who is 8. With saying that, we all know how boys that age can be... they love to wrestle, play video games, and be really loud! But, there is never a dull moment!

My adventure began Friday at 5pm when I had to pick them up at school, but it couldn't be anything before 5 so Jake could play in "game club!" We head home to drop off our stuff and have Charlie(my puppy) and Raisin(their dog) meet. I had planned a night out with the boys, dinner and a movie, but they wanted to see "Hoodwinked," and I wanted to see "Nanny McPhee," needless to say they won. We ate dinner at California Pizza Kitchen in Easton and then walked around to the video games store so they could play a quick game. Then we headed up to watch our movie and of course they both have to have their own popcorn and drink~ NO Sharing allowed! The movie was cute but it was very repetitive, they showed the same scene 4 times over~ they had to find out who was the goodies bandit!! I won't go into anymore detail in case someone wants to go see it!

On Saturday my mom, sister, and gram came down to hangout and go shopping. But first Pete had a soccer game and Jake didn't want to go, so my gram stayed home with him. So the girls went shopping and ate lunch/dinner at the Cheesecake Factory~ our new favorite place to eat! And, of course we had to get cheesecake to go! By the time we got home, we were all so tired and just wanted to sleep. Around 10 everyone heads up to bed, and I set the house alarm and tell everyone not to open any doors unless they tell me to disarm the security system.

Sunday morning my mom goes to take the dogs out and what does she do~ sets the alarm off, so anyone that was asleep~ ISN"T now. The alarms sounds and EVERY light in the house comes on(also controlled on a pad), and the phone rings~ its the security watch people checking to make sure everything is ok and that I am not a crook. We all got a good laugh out of that one!

Now I am home for the night and totally ehausted, so is Charlie! Watching two kids, and two dogs in one weekend~ is plenty excitement for me. Nighty night!

In the Picture: My cousin at the end of the drive way waving goodbye to my mom, sister, and gram! So precious!


  • At 7:08 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I enjoyed your story. You seemed to have the patience for your cousins. You have an engaging nice flowing writing style.

    Good luck at school. Just a suggestion, but now is the time to start preparing for your career, above and beyond what is taught in class.

    Have a Great Day!!



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