Living, Laughing, and Loving with Kaci Fell

Here is a look at my life and everything that goes on! I am going to use this as an exit of my thoughts! Also to get everyone living, laughing and loving life!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial Day Weekend

After a big day on Saturday I was ready to relax and enjoy the weather. Well I was somewhat mistaken, I forgot that I told my grandma that I would help her rip up her carpet because she is having pergo flooring put in. Even though every part of my body was sore from playing volleyball on saturday, I made sure I kept my promise to her! Ripping up the carpet wasn't the hard part, it was tearing up the under layer of padding because it was glued down to the concrete and had to be scrapped up. After a couple of hours of tearing up the carpet, we called it a day to head outside to soak up some sun!

It was 90 degrees outside, so I headed over to my best friend Emily's parents house to lay out by the pool. It was so nice to be by the water so if I got too hot I could just get in the water. The water was a little chilly, only 72 degrees, but with the heat outside, it was refreshing! Emily's little boy, Aiden, just loves the water, he sat on the steps and splashed around in the water! He is just too precious!

Later that night Emily had some friends over at her house to just hang out and talk about life and old times. It's always a great time to reminisce about our younger years and share a ton of laughs! It's the little times like these that make great friendships last a lifetime!

Monday(Memorial Day) I went back over to Emily's parents house for more pool time before our annual Memorial Day cookout! I planned on helping my mom finish planting the flowers, but I was just exhausted, so I went upstairs to lay down and take a quick nap, which turned into 2 hours! Oops, I must have needed the sleep! When I woke up, no one was home so I headed to Emily's house to hang out for a little bit before having to pack my clothes to head back to Columbus with my baby boy, Charlie, so all the girls could see him one more time before the year is over! He is only here for a few days because Wednesday we will be heading back to Norwalk for a day or so.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Congrats Jessi and Paul

Saturday couldn't have been more beautiful outside to celebrate a wedding and to play in a sand volleyball tournament. Saturday came very early for me, up at 6 to pack my bags for the weekend at home, drive 2 hours, play 7 hours of volleyball in 90 degree weather, then rush home to get ready for a wedding, which I might add I got ready in 45 minutes and that never happens. When Lea came to pick me up, we had 10 minutes to get to the church and boy did we make it just in time! The ceremony was short and sweet(just the way I like them). As the bride and groom walked out, we did the traditional throwing of bird seed and poor Jessi, she had it in her mouth, hair, down her dress, just all over the place.

Right after the wedding we headed to "The Colonade" for the reception. They had 2 guys fly in from Las Vegas to decorate the room and it was just gorgeous. They used lots of ballons(Jessi's family own's Maple City Rubber, a ballon factory)and it looked so amazing!

It was so great to see all of my friends that I haven't seen in a long time(some since high school). We got out on the dance floor and didn't stop until they shut us down. After the party was over there, we all headed back into town to hit up the Shamrock. I was only there for about 30 minutes and I was ready to crash. So I called my mom to come and get Brianne and I so we didn't have to walk. I don't think I could have walked anyways, my feet were killing me. We made it home around 1:30 and I was out as soon as I laid my head on my pillow. It was a long day, but so much fun, and yes, I would do it all over again!

Jessi and Paul I wish you the best in your marriage. You are both wonderful and caring people that deserve the love of a lifetime! I love you both so much and thank you for being my friend! Oh, and thanks for letting me be the third wheel at Cedar Point two years ago!

In the Pictures: Top: The new Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bennett!
Middle: Kaci Fell playing the guitar to a rock song!
Bottom: My good friends Jess Kline and Dinah Gerken on the dance floor!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Game On!

I know I said that I wasn't playing in the volleyball tournament on Saturday in Norwalk because I have a wedding that day, well I am going to do both now. The wedding doesn't start until 5 pm, so I can play volleyball during the day and since it starts at 9 am we should be done by 3-4ish and then rush home to get ready for the wedding and reception. Plus I received a phone call earlier in the week from a guy I played with at another tournament and asked if I wanted to get a team together, well I couldn't say no because we are going to have a great team! And, hopefully we win the tournament! The weather is suppose to be in the 80's so I am looking forward to getting a tan too! The only bad thing is there is another Gangsta Party Friday night that I just can't miss, but then that means I have to get up at 6 am and drive home to play a full day of volleyball and then go to a wedding and reception. Whew, I am going to be exhausted Saturday night. But, it will all be worth it!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

Sunday morning I got up at 8 am and since I knew no one else would be up I picked up my room and watched more episodes of season 1 of The O.C. and then painted my nails waiting for the Easton mall to be open. Around noon I headed to Easton to find a dress for Jessi's wedding this weekend. I wanted a specific kind of and white pok-a-dot, well I actually found two dresses that I liked and couldn't decide so I bought both of them so I have the girls help me decide. One is a halter dress that is tight fitting with a slit up the front and falls at my knees and the other is low cut with a black silk bow that goes around the front and is a little more flowy and also falls at the knees. I know the way I am describing them probably isn't a very good visual, but I promise they are super cute!

When I came home from the mall I was going to watch the cavs game, but instead went to West Campus and played some sand volleyball with a group of people. There is a sand volleyball tournament this weekend in Norwalk but unfortunately I can't play because I have a wedding to attend. If the guys were smart, they would have split up the girls, but instead they let us play on the same team, so we WON! Of course! We played 5 games to 25 and won 3 of the 5! It was so nice to get out and play, but my back is a little sore today. It's all in a days work!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Long Weekend!

The last 2 days seemed extremely long. Friday night the Smaltz's had a party for Stephen(who was gone last quarter traveling around on a ship). Even though it was a little chilly outside and my toes were numb, and a fight broke out over and over, and Kyle was lost at the fair grounds (so we had to go pick him up from the cops)it was still a great time that night! I also got to meet one of KTK's roommates that night, Mike Croce, and when I asked how he spelled his last night he forgot the "e" at the end, but that's ok, I will blame it on the alcohol! Hi Mike!

On Saturday I got up at 7:30 to head home. I had to take more things home for summer, I am bummed that I have to move home but I already promised to sub-lease my room out and it will save me a bunch of money! I also wanted to put on my new tail lights on my Jeep. I feel like when I go home I do so much running around that I don't get as much accomplished as I should. So I did some yard work and then my good friend Road(it's a nickname) came over to help me put on my new tail lights, then I had him drive my Jeep so I could follow him in his truck to make sure that they all work properly! They look fabulous by the way! I will post a picture when I get one! After that we went to Friendly Corner's for a quick bite to eat and then back home to do more work!

Earlier in the day my sister took my dog on the Heart walk around the reservoir which really tired him out for the rest of the day. When I was trying to clean my room and get it ready for when I move home, Charlie laid down and just crashed, but if I walked out of the room he would jump up to follow me!

I headed back to C-bus around 7 pm and it seemed like the longest drive of my life. But, I had to get back because there was a 12 keg party at the Matt's house(it was Matt Z's birthday). They had a band playing and a huge back yard to hang out in. It was so nice to be able to walk around and not have to squeeze your way through everyone! Well the kegs ran out around 1:30ish, so I just decided to head home and go to bed. I was extremely exhausted from driving and running around all day, so my bed was amazing! I laid down and was out about 10 minutes later!

In the picture: Danielle Stampfer, Kaci Fell, and Sarah Krygowski at the Matt's party!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

I hope all the mother's had a fabulous day and spent the day with the ones they love. My sister and I took my mom and grandma out to eat yesterday to celebrate mother's day, so we went up to The Cheesecake Factory at Crocker Park. We got there at noon and still had a 35 minute wait. It was a popular place to eat! After lunch we went shopping and luckily the sun was trying to come out so we didn't have to walk around outside in the rain. We all had a great time and always love to get together!

All throughout the day my dad kept calling and asking what we were doing, so I would say eating or shopping or driving home. And he said well just don't forget to go see grandma Fell at 5pm at Friendly Corner's. My dad sounded a little down and I felt bad because I was thinking he was stuck in North Carolina with no one to spend the day with. We got home from Crocker Park at 4, so I finished laundry and went over to my best friend Emily's house to drop off her Mother's day card and to see her little boy Aiden! I couldn't stay long because I had to get to FC's. My sister and I headed down to FC and said hi to grams and all the family and as we were sitting there my sister goes " That's the shirt we got dad!" I said what, and looked towards the door and go "OH MY GOD, you knew he was in town?" So I waited for him to surprise grandma before getting up to give him a hug! My gram was so excited to see him because he told her that he couldn't make it home! Then I jumped up and ran over to him! Luckily my dad will be in town all week long so I will get to see him more on Wednesday when I go home! All in all, the day was a great family day! I hope everyone had a great day!

In the Pictures: My mom holding my little boy, Charlie!

Next Picture: Back(L-R): Kaci Fell, Papa Fell(sneaking in the pic)Front: Nicki Fell and Gram Fell

Thursday, May 11, 2006

1 Month to Go!!!!!!

In exactly one month I will be walking across the stage to get my College Dipolma! I am so excited and can't wait for the day to finally be here. My mom, sister, and grandma will be here to share in my special day. My dad will not be able to attend because of his job. So we made a deal, since he can't make it to my graduation ceremony, he will be present at my party. I told him I would rather him be at the party anways because graduation will last about 4 hours and my dad just isn't patient enough to hang around that long...I don't blame him one bit. Yes, I am upset because I would like him at both, but you win some and lose some. I just picked up my cap and gown yesterday from Barnes and Noble's! The only thing left to do is figure out how I am going to do my hair that day...straight, curly, big curls, wavy.....oh so many decisions to make, but at least I still have a month to figure that out!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Beautiful Picture

Yesterday when I came home from work I saw a picture that Pedro(pictured below) had colored for me sitting on my kitchen table! I was so surprised to have something, and it put a huge smile on my face! Since I was so excited about it, I just had to put it on my blog! Of course I do know that this will probably make someone upset, I am sorry, but I just had to do it! Zach, thank you so much for my amazing picture you colored for me!

I also want to apologize for not posting as much as I should, I will try to do a better job!


Sunday, May 07, 2006

Jessi's Bridal Shower

Saturday I went home for my good friend Jessi's bridal shower. I got up at 7:30 am to pack my things(mostly laundry)and drive 2 hours home. When I got home I had an extremely busy agenda to accomplish and only a short amount of time to get it all done. I was so excited to see my little boy, Charlie. He gets so excited when I walk in the door and just starts jumping on me and giving me puppy kisses! I love it because he doesn't leave my side, when I was downloading music, he was either sitting on my lap or laying under my feet. But, his favorite thing to do is play fetch. He would play fetch all day long if he could!

Then Katie picked me up go to Jessi's bridal shower. It was held out at Eagle Creek(Golf Club). Everything was just perfect! They had several bottles of wine served with cheese, crackers, and strawberries. We all had to stand up to say our name, our relationship to Jessi, and a funny story about her if we had one. Well I decided to spare Jessi any embarrassment and told a story where Jessi was the good one! It was back in Middle School and we were at a birthday party, everyone wanted to go toliet papering and Jessi said she didn't want to go so she and a few others stayed behind, well, we ended up getting picked up by the cops and they called our parents letting them know that we were out at 3 am toliet papering. All of our parents were really mad at us except Jessi's because she was the only smart one! Jessi got a lot of great gifts, but my favorite gift was a tong and thong, Sandy said I couldn't tell on your gift registry if you wanted a tong or a thong, so I figured I better get both since I was unsure! It was such a great idea!

After the shower, I went home to change laundry and then took Charlie for a drive, he loves to be in the car, he sticks his little head out the window, but he can't open his eyes because the wind is too strong. Its so cute yet funny. I took him back and then had to run some errands of my own. When I got back home Nicki and I took all the dogs for a walk so they would sleep better for my mom. Charlie cracks me up because she stops at every tree to pee, nothing comes out, but its just habit for him. After the walk, I came home to give him a bath, which he hates more than anything, he cries the whole time, but after runs around like a mad man! Around 9 pm I loaded my car up and headed back to C-bus because we were having a party at our house. I am not sure what happened on Rt 71, but they closed it off and then High St. was jam packed with cars, so it took me a little longer to get home then I planned but I made it back! Once I got home~ everything went down hill... maybe I should have staying in Norwalk?!?!

In the Pictures: Top: Jessi opening her gifts
Bottom: (L-R): Dinah Gerkin, Jessi Tinker, Kaci Fell, and Katie Cillo

Monday, May 01, 2006

Kevin Harvick Racing Team

My wonderful father was talking to Monty Bailey(Motorsports Manager for Kevin Harvick Racing) about interviewing people to hold the PR position for Burney Lamar ~ #77 Dollar General Chevrolet Busch Series car(pictured above). Well my dad started talking about me and told him my interest in cars and Nascar. So he said I will give you my number to give to your daughter and to have her call me so we can talk to see if the position is right for her. Well I about DIED when my dad called me and told me what happened! My dad is the most amazing man ever! He said that he isn't promising anything, but told him a little about me and the rest is in my hands. I hope all goes well with this and I could be moving to North Carolina with my pops!

Burney Lamar started racing go-karts at the age of 5 to earn 25 go-kart track championships in addition to three International Karting Federation Regional championships by the age of 14. In 1997, Lamar began competing in stock cars. He finished 11th in track point standings at California's Stockton 99 Speedway his first season. That same year, 16-year-old Lamar became the youngest driver to win both a Trophy Dash and a heat race. Throughout the next couple of seasons, Lamar raced on a number of tracks along the West Coast and won the NASCAR California Shell Oil Tri-Track late model championship.
In 2000, Lamar tried his hand in the USAC Western States Sprint Car Series, capturing seven top-five finishes, eleven top-ten finishes and set fast time twice in his first season. He finished out the year third in point standings and was named Rookie of the Year.
In 2005, Lamar was brought on as a developmental driver. He competed in a limited number of NASCAR Grand National Division West Series, Craftsman Truck Series and Busch Series races for the organization.
Then in 2006, he became a full time Busch Series driver in the No. 77 Dollar General Chevrolet.

In the Picture: Burney Lamar's # 77 Dollar General car.

Info. provided by