Living, Laughing, and Loving with Kaci Fell

Here is a look at my life and everything that goes on! I am going to use this as an exit of my thoughts! Also to get everyone living, laughing and loving life!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Jessi's Bridal Shower

Saturday I went home for my good friend Jessi's bridal shower. I got up at 7:30 am to pack my things(mostly laundry)and drive 2 hours home. When I got home I had an extremely busy agenda to accomplish and only a short amount of time to get it all done. I was so excited to see my little boy, Charlie. He gets so excited when I walk in the door and just starts jumping on me and giving me puppy kisses! I love it because he doesn't leave my side, when I was downloading music, he was either sitting on my lap or laying under my feet. But, his favorite thing to do is play fetch. He would play fetch all day long if he could!

Then Katie picked me up go to Jessi's bridal shower. It was held out at Eagle Creek(Golf Club). Everything was just perfect! They had several bottles of wine served with cheese, crackers, and strawberries. We all had to stand up to say our name, our relationship to Jessi, and a funny story about her if we had one. Well I decided to spare Jessi any embarrassment and told a story where Jessi was the good one! It was back in Middle School and we were at a birthday party, everyone wanted to go toliet papering and Jessi said she didn't want to go so she and a few others stayed behind, well, we ended up getting picked up by the cops and they called our parents letting them know that we were out at 3 am toliet papering. All of our parents were really mad at us except Jessi's because she was the only smart one! Jessi got a lot of great gifts, but my favorite gift was a tong and thong, Sandy said I couldn't tell on your gift registry if you wanted a tong or a thong, so I figured I better get both since I was unsure! It was such a great idea!

After the shower, I went home to change laundry and then took Charlie for a drive, he loves to be in the car, he sticks his little head out the window, but he can't open his eyes because the wind is too strong. Its so cute yet funny. I took him back and then had to run some errands of my own. When I got back home Nicki and I took all the dogs for a walk so they would sleep better for my mom. Charlie cracks me up because she stops at every tree to pee, nothing comes out, but its just habit for him. After the walk, I came home to give him a bath, which he hates more than anything, he cries the whole time, but after runs around like a mad man! Around 9 pm I loaded my car up and headed back to C-bus because we were having a party at our house. I am not sure what happened on Rt 71, but they closed it off and then High St. was jam packed with cars, so it took me a little longer to get home then I planned but I made it back! Once I got home~ everything went down hill... maybe I should have staying in Norwalk?!?!

In the Pictures: Top: Jessi opening her gifts
Bottom: (L-R): Dinah Gerkin, Jessi Tinker, Kaci Fell, and Katie Cillo


  • At 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Maybe you should of stayed in Norwalk!


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