Living, Laughing, and Loving with Kaci Fell

Here is a look at my life and everything that goes on! I am going to use this as an exit of my thoughts! Also to get everyone living, laughing and loving life!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Chloe girl

On Monday my sister called me and said I think there is something wrong with Chloe because when I let the dogs in she didn't want her treat(very unlike Chloe~ she is a hyper active dog that loves to be the center of attention) and just laid down. So she called my mom at work and told her to make a vet appointment. She made the appointment for 4:30 pm, but when my mom came home for lunch around 1:30, Chloe had thrown up at the back door and then fell in the dining room and wouldn't move. So my mom decided to take her to the vet right away and with Chloe being 100+ pounds, my mom got a sheet and had to get her on it so she could drag her to the back door and try to get her in the back of the Trailblazer. When she got to the vet, Chloe couldn't get out because she was so sick that they had to get a stretcher and put her on that to take her into the hospital. They immediately hooked her up to an IV and started running tests. They first told my mom that she could have a mass on her spleen and surgery was an option if it wasn't too bad, but euthanasia was also a possibility. They then told her that Chloe's body temperature was 5 degrees lower than what it should be so they warmed up the fluids going in her and wrapped her in blankets. Well, Chloe is my moms baby and she was so upset when they said that she might have to be put down. So on Monday I went home to help with Charlie and Chelsea and so I could go see Chloe at the vet clinic. On Tuesday morning I got up to go see her and they said she was doing much better. She had a bad case of Pneumonia and had to keep her overnight again to make sure she is ok. When I went in the room she got up and started licking me. Awww, so sweet. So I sat with her for 30-45 mins and when I started to leave she was whimpering. Talk about breaking your heart. My mom called me last night to say that she got to bring Chloe home and she is still sick but on the road to recovery!

In the Picture: Chloe at the vets clinic with an IV hooked up to her leg.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Cali is the place for ME!

For Spring Break my mom and I went out to Beverly Hills, California to meet my nose doctor~ Dr. Nassif! We had a great time soaking up the sun and enjoying the weather! When we first got there we said that we would just take a taxi everywhere since we had NO clue where anything was, well that was a short lived decision. After taking 2 cabs rides and spending $55, we decided to rent a car. As long as we could find Wilshire Blvd. then we could find our way back. Wilshire is the main drag that is about 30 miles long~ it just keeps going and going. Then I started to pay attention to what streets ran parallel to Wilshire so I would know how to get back. Everyone drives crazy in Cali, they are constantly cutting people off and when the speed limit is 35mph they go 50mph. The only bad part is when you want to site see you really can't unless you want someone blowing the horn at you. I would fit right in because that was my kind of driving.

I had a Doctors appointment to go see Dr. Nassif for a consultation. I was so excited to meet him. His consult coordinator, Jade Gerald, was so great, she was very easy to talk to and went over any questions or concerns with me before going to see Dr. Nassif. She also had her nose done by Dr. Nassif. She then took us down the hall to another room where we waited to Dr. Nassif to come in and evaluate me. I couldn't wait for him to come through the door....but I was being as patient as I could be. You know how at most Dr. Offices you have to wait 10 minutes before the Dr. comes in, well he was only about 2 minutes and in he comes! What a gentleman! We discussed my concerns of what I would like to achieve with the surgery and then he assessed it and told me what needs to be done according to him after looking at it. Then he took a picture of me from the side and front then we went into his office and he put them up on the computer screen and modified them to show me what it will look like afterwards~ can you say ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS, PERFECT, UNBELIEVABLE! I was IN LOVE! To see the way my nose could look is just astonishing.

We also went to Venice Beach while out in Cali, and it looks exactly how it looks on TV. People are working out(Muscle Beach), playing basketball, volleyball, running, rollerblading, and biking. We laid on the beach for a little bit and then watched a game of basketball. Their are so many interesting people out, some guys where trying to sell their CD's to make some money and get their names out, some people playing saxophones, clarinets, a guy walking around with a sign that said "World's Best Winery." Just different things happening than what we are used to in OHIO.

My favorite part of the trip(besides Dr. Nassif) was going to RODEO DR. The buildings alone look so beautiful. They have every upscale store you can think of there: Louis Vuitton, Versace, Tiffany & Co.(where I got a ring to match my bracelet and necklace), Coach, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Cartier, etc. Lots of stores to spend lots of money.

Going to California was the best trip of my life....someday I WILL live out there!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Final Exams

Well I am happy to say that I am finally done with FINAL EXAMS!! Today was my hardest final of all...Political Science. Boy oh Boy am I glad that I don't EVER have to go to that class again! I understand that Politics are important, but I will never need to know all the stuff I learned...well I learned it for this quarter and now it has left my brain! So today officially starts my Spring Break, well kinda, I had to work today so it technically starts for me at 8 pm. I have a long 2 hour drive home tonight, but it will be well worth it because I get to see my baby boy~ Charlie.

My mom said that he hasn't been doing to good in the house, I guess he just hasn't grasped the concept that outside = bathroom. So before we leave for California I am going to re-potty train him. I just don't understand how he knows what to do for a week and then goes back to his old ways the next week? I also found out that he is much calmer when he is alone then when he is with Chloe and Chelsea. When he is around them he just goes crazy, but when he is alone he is the best dog in the world~ not really but we are working on it! I can tell you one thing, he learns tricks very fast when he wants a treat!

I have bad news, on Monday I got a call from the Dr. Phil show and they said that they are changing the times for the show, well I can't be there any earlier because I will be visiting with Dr. Nassif. So I am pretty bummed out, but I figure I will just have to go out to Cali again during taping season and sit in for a show! My mom and I decided we will hit the beach instead!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Paint, Paint, and more Paint

This weekend was suppose to be preparing myself for FINALS, but when I talked to my sister on Saturday morning I made the comment that I was bored, so she said then you can come home and help me paint and take care of Charlie. I told her I would think about it, but I knew in my head that I was going to pack my stuff up and head home. My mom was in the background telling Nicki that I don't have to come home if I didn't want too...and Nicki's response was she's bored, she can come home and help! So I got in the car to drive 2 hours home and once I finally made it, I walked into my mom's house expecting Char to bark and run up to me, well that didn't happen. In fact, I opened to door and was calling for him to come see me, but nothing happened. As my heart sunk, my mom said Nicki took him to her I jumped back in the car and headed to Nicki's house. When I got there I found him laying on the couch taking a nap with Nicki. But when he saw me, he jumped down and came to see me! Thank god or I would have been so upset. It was then time to let the painting begin...

Nicki had started in the kitchen and actually got alot done on Friday night! We ran to get some more paint supplies and lunch before we started. But when we got back it was time to get to it! We finished the kitchen around 9 pm or so and started in on the dining room and living room. The color of the kitchen is articoke(green)and the dining and living room is a brownish color...I forgot the technical name. At about 11:30 pm we stopped painting so I could study a little for my finals. I studied until 1 am, then jumped in the shower and fell asleep right when I laid my head on the pillow.

Sunday morning I had a really hard time getting up, I had to get up at 8 to take Char out, but I laid back down and didn't get back up until 10 am because Nicki was ready to start painting again. I have to admit, I didn't paint nearly as much on Sunday as I did on Saturday. I did a lot of trim painting and taping. My mom helped with trimming and taking down the curtains~ which were a pain in the butt. Nicki and Abby really did a fantastic job of painting the rooms! And, we met Nicki's deadline, she wanted all the rooms painted by Sunday night! By the time I left at 4 pm to head back to school everything was painted and Nicki was just touching up some spots! I can't wait to see the finished product with out the blue tape! Job well done girls!!!

In the Picture: My sister and I painting her house!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Sad, but busy week

I can't believe its Thursday already. Where did the week go? I guess I was just consumed with papers, papers, and more papers. This week I had 6 papers due and a big project. I feel good about myself right now for getting everything acommplished, especially since i like to procrastinate. Procrastination has never been something I did until I got to Ohio State. I was always up on my assignments and would have them done 3 days early, but for some reason I like to wait until the last minute to finish everything.

I am a little heartbroken too, on Monday our landlord showed up and started screaming at Mandy(everyone else hid in their rooms so they don't have to see him) because the house was a mess from the weekend and because Charlie(my puppy) was here. As he was yelling at her he said if this place isn't spick and span by tomorrow I will evict all of you and take the dog to the pound. So Monday afternoon I had to drive 2 hours home to drop Charlie off to grandma(my mom). I think he knew that he wasn't going back with me because he didn't leave my side. While I was doing one of my papers at home he sat on my lap and when I got up he just laid in my arms like a baby. On Tuesday as I put my stuff in the car I could hear him crying and it just killed me. Charlie~ MAMA LOVES YOU PUNKIN!!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Big 10 Champs!

Yesterday The Ohio State Buckeye Men's Basketball team clinched the title of Big 10 CHAMPS by beating Purdue 76-57! Luckily I was able to attend the game! The seats were completely full, and the fans were going crazy the whole game! Again, we had amazing seats on the floor in the student section. When we got to our seats there were towels draped over the back that said "Nationwide Insurance." At the beginning of the game Purdue was in the lead, but only for a short time. The Buckeyes had the crowd behind them encouraging them to gain the lead. Not long after we lead the game and kept the lead throughout the whole game! Which made it less stressful for the fans!

At the end of the game, with the outcome long decided, the Ohio State student section chanted, "Big Ten champs!" and "Thank you, seniors." It was so amazing to see the crowd on their feet cheering for the players and they receive their trophy!

Terence Dials, who scored 20 points yesterday said, "No one gave us a chance, people across the country forgot about the Buckeyes it seemed. We didn't get the credit we thought we deserved. We wanted to go out and prove a lot of naysayers wrong." And, they did a fabulous job! I can't wait for the tournament to get under way! GO BUCKS!

In the Picture:Top(L-R): Cat, Sarah, Kaci, and Kelly at the game
Bottom Picture: Terence Dials holding the trophy after the game

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Dance Party 2006

On Saturday night I planned on staying in to work on my project for school, but the girls just wouldn't let me. They decided that they wanted to go out to the bars instead of going to the Black/White party. We all got dolled up, and then just sat in Sarah's room talking and listening to music. We eventually made it down stairs to drink and dance. That's how Dance Party 2006 started. First we had to shot gun a beer, that was Cat and I's first time doing it. She was a pro at it, but unfortunately I was not so good. When the music hit, we all just started singing and dancing the night away. Even though there was only about 10 of us, we still had the best time ever. We played oldies, rock, rap, country, theme songs...pretty much anything we had!

I headed up to bed around 1:30 because I was just worn out and I had to get up early to get ready for the OSU vs. Purdue basketball game. Next thing I know helicopter's are flying over with there spot light on, cops driving up and down our street, so I go downstairs to see what was going on...I assume they were trying to catch a bad person but for some reason they kept shining our house? No fugitive's here!!

Dance Party 2006 was the best dance party ever, maybe I am a little biased because it was at my house with my favorite girls!!

In the Pictures: Top (L-R): Kelly, Kaci, Cat, and Natalie shot gunning!
Bottom (L-R): Sarah, Kelly, Charlie, Kaci, Cat, and Nat posing for the camera!

Happy Hour

Friday night we all decided to go to Miani's for Happy Hour. Miani's is about 2 miles from our house, so we drove half-way and parked at Kyle's house and walked the rest of the way. I had on pumps, so walking a mile in those shoes in 20 degree weather was not my cup of tea. I was numb by the time we got there, but everything was $1 from 7-9pm, so it somewhat made up for it. Miani's was so crowded that you had to order double just to make it worth while. Cat, Jackie, and I were starving so thank god that Miani's has a Wings Xtreme inside, we ordered chicken fingers and fries! After dinner we decided we were ready to go home to play beer pong with everyone.

Since I refused to walk home, half of us waited for a Cab to come around and give us a ride, while everyone else walked. We got home and got the cups ready to play, not me, but everyone else. The first thing I wanted to do was get out of those HORRIBLE shoes.

Later that night, a little fight broke out between our house and Kyle's house. Hopefully everything will work out in the end!

In the PictureL (L-R): Kaci, Cat, and Jackie watching the beer pong game!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Dr. Phil

As I venture out to California in a few weeks with my mom, we will be attending a taping of the Dr. Phil show! I couldn't be more excited! I received a phone call at 5:30 but I missed the call and they didn't leave a message, so I didn't know if I should call the number back or just wait. Well, I waited and they called again, missed it again, and then they called again and I got it this time! I spoke to Shane, who asked if I was "Kaci Fell?" I said yes, and he had a little chuckle in his voice because of my last name. Who doesn't look at my name and laugh a little? We talked about what taping we could make it to and we decided on Thursday March 23, 2006 for the "B" show. They do 2 tapings, one starts at 7:30 am, which is show "A," and the other show starts at 10:30 am, which is show "B." Shane told me to expect to stay until 3 pm. I better eat a big breakfast that day! Thursday is going to be a huge day for me while we are out there. I meet with Dr. Nassif at 9 am to go over the procedure and talk with Jade about the financial side, then we need to bolt to Dr. Phil! Maybe I will be seen on T.V., and maybe it could be the start of my television career! Not betting on it, but you never know, I could run into the right person! I will keep my Blog updated on when the show will air!