Living, Laughing, and Loving with Kaci Fell

Here is a look at my life and everything that goes on! I am going to use this as an exit of my thoughts! Also to get everyone living, laughing and loving life!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Final Exams

Well I am happy to say that I am finally done with FINAL EXAMS!! Today was my hardest final of all...Political Science. Boy oh Boy am I glad that I don't EVER have to go to that class again! I understand that Politics are important, but I will never need to know all the stuff I learned...well I learned it for this quarter and now it has left my brain! So today officially starts my Spring Break, well kinda, I had to work today so it technically starts for me at 8 pm. I have a long 2 hour drive home tonight, but it will be well worth it because I get to see my baby boy~ Charlie.

My mom said that he hasn't been doing to good in the house, I guess he just hasn't grasped the concept that outside = bathroom. So before we leave for California I am going to re-potty train him. I just don't understand how he knows what to do for a week and then goes back to his old ways the next week? I also found out that he is much calmer when he is alone then when he is with Chloe and Chelsea. When he is around them he just goes crazy, but when he is alone he is the best dog in the world~ not really but we are working on it! I can tell you one thing, he learns tricks very fast when he wants a treat!

I have bad news, on Monday I got a call from the Dr. Phil show and they said that they are changing the times for the show, well I can't be there any earlier because I will be visiting with Dr. Nassif. So I am pretty bummed out, but I figure I will just have to go out to Cali again during taping season and sit in for a show! My mom and I decided we will hit the beach instead!


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