Living, Laughing, and Loving with Kaci Fell

Here is a look at my life and everything that goes on! I am going to use this as an exit of my thoughts! Also to get everyone living, laughing and loving life!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

~Friday Night Fun~

We had waaay to much fun this weekend! I didn't plan on drinking on Friday night, but Kelly came home for Mo's Bachelorette Party(sat. night) so we went out Friday night around town. We met the usuals up at the Dinky for a drink, then walked over to "The Rock" for story time to hear all about Andy McClain's life, and how he celebrated his 21st birthday by himself in Omaha?!?(Might be wrong on that, not sure). Well my mom and sister felt bad for him, so every so often they would say Happy 21st Birthday(cheers), and kept saying it until they got to 27(cheers)! It was actually kinda funny! After sitting at The Rock for an hour, we headed over to "The OB", nothing special was going on there, so we chit chatted with friends and drank a beer...Kelly and I were sharing beers because we both knew that the next night would put a hurting on us! We walked out the front door and ran into several people standing outside getting some fresh air. We then decided to head south to "Rupp's Place" to dance a little and drink some more beers(shared by Kell and I). I was talking to Donna(doorman's wife) about how nice it is in the bar since they put in fans and duct work all throughout the bar! It makes it much more comfortable all around the bar, especially on the dance floor! Around 2 am we decided to head home because Abby was a little tipsy. As we walked back to Kelly's car we saw Andy McClain sitting in his truck(passed out) with it running(instant DUI), so we went over and knocked on his window to let us take him home. He finally agreed after Nicki made him get out of his truck.

Once we got him home, he couldn't get his key in the door and we didn't want to leave him in fear that he would walk back to his truck to go get Taco we waited 10 minutes for him to get the meantime, Abby got out of the car and started walking to Nicki's house so then Nicki got out of the car to follow her. We stopped by Nicki's house to make sure she was in bed, but noooo, she was ready to go to McDonald's to get something to eat. So we took her and the brought her back and sound!

In the Picture: Kaci Fell and Kelly Eberly at The Shamrock!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Josh Gracin!!!!

YAY! I absolutely love Country Music, and Josh Gracin put on a great concert at the Huron County Fair! I went to the concert with Abby and Macy Chapin! We first had to stop off and get the famous Berardi french fries before going to our box seats, so we were closer to him! He played some of his current songs, some of his songs that are coming out on his cd in February and some old songs that were from other artists!

Macy was up dancing and holding my hands to twirl her around the whole time! She is just too cute. Its really funny too because everything I do she has to do it too...I had my sun glasses on, so she put her moms sun glasses on!

We didn't stay for the whole concert because Macy was getting impatient and was ready to go get her sno cone before they closed. So we left the concert about a half hour early...which was ok with me because I was getting a little chilly...imagine that?

In the Pictures: Josh Gracin performing Thursday night at the fair...look at his fabulous "Norwalk Truckers" t-shirt!

Bottom (L-R): Kaci Fell and Macy Chapin taking a picture during the concert!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Beautiful Emmy!

This is for my beautiful, amazing, kind, loving best friend, Emily! She is my shoulder to cry on when I am sad, she is my light at the end of the tunnel when I can't see it. She inspires me to be the best person I can be, she believes in me and always tells me I will be successful and live the life I always wanted to live! She trusts in my judgement, she will always stand beside me, she is one of my biggest cheerleaders and because of her I am a better person! To my dear friend, I love you Emmy! Thanks for all the talks and walks and conversation's about life!

In the picture: Best friends, Emily Collins and Kaci Fell posing for a picture right before Emily leaves for a wedding! Isn't she BEAUTIFUL!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Love and Marriage

Wedding season is almost over....I can't believe how fast this summer has gone. It seems like this summer was the busiest wedding season I have ever had. And, I loved attending every wedding! Drinking, DANCING, getting together with old friends, and sharing the marriage of 2 people...what could be better? Last weekends bash, celebrating Kelly and Scott's wedding, was an absolute blast! I showed up a little late because they got married on a friday at the lake, and I had to work and then go see my mom and friends at a local bar really quick. So I showed up at the reception around 9:30 pm and everyone was already having a ball! I just love weddings because you get to see some friends that you haven't seen in a while and some that you just saw at the last wedding! I haven't seen my one good friend Dinah for a couple of years until this years wedding season started. Since then, I have seen her at every wedding and we have a good time talking and laughing!

The next wedding I have is for my good high school friend Maureen Orth and fellow Buckeye Anthony Botos! After Mo and Tony's wedding I am done until next wedding season! I feel like I sound like the Wedding Crashers, always talking about wedding season, but I must admit, I do love a good wedding!

In the Pictures: Top(L-R): Nicki Fell, the new Kelly Spettle, and Kaci Fell at the wedding reception.
Bottom(L-R): Dinah Gerken and Kaci Fell, good friends, back together again at another wedding!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Summer Nights!

Sometimes you just want to get out and have fun...well that was definitely my plan for Friday night. Work was long and stressful this past week, so on friday night the girls and I headed out for some fun! We hit up the local bars starting with The Dinky to check out Bill's new Porsche! It's a 2007 Cayman in the color yellow, oh lordy how I love his cars! We then decided to head over to The Office Bar, they were dead so we walked in one door and right out the other to head to the Shamrock. They were pretty busy so we sat with some friends and played cards(I watched). After a while they started to die down so we headed back over to The O.B. and by then it was packed. Abby left about 20 minutes later because she had to work the next morning, and then Nicki left around 1:30. Well I was not ready to go home and go to bed, so I stayed to talk to my friends. Around 2:15 I headed home(walking). The shoes that I wore that night where not the best shoes to be walking a mile home in. I am still paying for it today. All I remember from the night was cracking up laughing and most of the pictures prove it! I had a great night out with my friends in good ol'e Norwalk!

In the Picture: Kaci and Nicki Fell laughing while Michael tries to get in the picture.