Living, Laughing, and Loving with Kaci Fell

Here is a look at my life and everything that goes on! I am going to use this as an exit of my thoughts! Also to get everyone living, laughing and loving life!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Aiden turns 2!!!

YAY! Aiden turned 2 years old yesterday! And, on Sunday Emily's parents hosted a birthday party for him, with catering from Tom's mom business~ Berardi's! Which is some of the best food ever...seriously! Aiden was so overwhelmed with all the people and all the presents that his face was to die for! He is one of the best kids I know(must be from great parenting)! His favorite toy was a Bob the Builder tractor that said "Oh Cool" and "You can do it!" Too funny.

When it was time to sing "Happy Birthday" we were all hoping that he would stick his hands in the cake and make a big mess, but all he did was stick one finger in the blue icing until they took the cake away from him before he got sick! I think Emily was the only one happy that he didn't make a mess...well, maybe MaryBeth too!

The party was filled with Family and Friends and it was so nice to catch up with Emily's Aunt Maggie, who took Emily and I to their Cottage in Michigan about 12 years ago! Wow, how time flies!

Later that night, I went over to Emily's house to see Aiden play with all his favorite toys and he was so cute in his new Elmo chair...he was just relaxing back in his chair!

In the Pictures: Top: Aiden opening his presents with Mom's help!
Middle (L-R): Katie Cillo, Emily Collins, Sam Scherz, Kaci Fell and Lea Elmer at Aiden B-day Party!!
Bottom: Aiden chillin' in his new Elmo chair!

Monday, September 25, 2006

We are OSU, We are OSU!!!!

Saturday was the big OSU(1) vs. Penn State(24) game! And again, we had a party to watch the game, but this time at Kellie and Scott Spettles house! They have a beautiful home in a great location in Norwalk! And of course, they had some great food! Especially the homemade Pizza rolls~ umm yum, Kellie! Everyone loves beer with football food!

At first we were a little nervous about the game because nothing was happening in the first 2 quarters, well except Penn State getting a 2nd chance to kick field goal because they called some dumb call against us. Anyways.... I did feel bad for Joe Paterno(Penn State Coach) because he was sick with the flu(which I had just a week ago). I can't believe a 79 year old man can run so fast off a football field! Finally after halftime OSU came out to show their stuff! Thank God....we were getting a little nervous! And since Kellie and Scott have DVR, we would rewind and watch the touchdowns over and over!! Kellie was particularly interested in rewinding the part where one of Penn State's players pants ripped and you could see his butt...she thought it was hilarious, but we all got a kick out of the broadcasters circling it on the screen! What a great game! YEA BUCKS, GO BUCKS!!

In the picture: (L-R) Kellie Spettle, Amy Winkleman, Kaci Fell, and Sam Scherz doing the famous... O-H-I-O!!!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

OSU vs. Texas

Well I realize it has been almost a week since the game, but I have been sick for that last few days and couldn't get off the couch. So my apologizes!

My good friends, Amy and Chad Winkleman had a party for the big game! The party started at 7pm for pregame and to start drinking before the game actually came on. They live in a fabulous appartment in uptown Norwalk, it's just huge and decorated so cute too! They had a great assortment of snacks to munch on while we watched the game. My favorite was the crab dip! Yummy!

Watching the game was so much fun because anytime something good happened we all went around the room giving high fives! I guess it was kinda because everyone was drunk and thought it was hilarious! No matter what room you were in, you could always see the game on a tv! Around half time all the guys and 2 girls left for The Moose Lodge, so the rest of us girls were just chit chatting and laughing(of course), mostly at Kellie because she was being goofy. That's when I got in trouble, I did a shot, a lemon drop. Now, if you know me, I don't do shots, plain and simple. So needless to say, that started it, after that I had a beer while we finished watching the game and screaming out the window O-H, I-O to everyone outside!

After the game we got everyone together to head back to The Moose Lodge, where I got into more trouble, all because of Kim(love you girl), she made me do 2 more shots of lemon drops and then a beer. So count it, 3 lemon shots and 2 beers. Yikes Kaci. It was fun in there, but they didn't have any music playing, and everyone wanted to dance. So we headed over to The OB, where we danced and sang a little! Kim has a great voice so we were all waiting to hear her sing! Around 1 am, we all trekked down to Rupp's Place to get our dance on! It was so packed in there, you couldn't even move on the dance floor. After having 2 more drinks, and getting burnt by a cigarette, I decided that I had waaay to much to drink and needed to go home! So as I was walking my little tush home, a great friend stopped at the top of my street to see if I wanted a ride home, I said yes, please! The walk seemed like it was taking a ride is just what I needed! Thanks Shane!

OH what a night it was! OSU GAME DAY ALWAYS A BLAST! GO BUCKS!!!

In the Pics: Top( L-R): Sam Scherz, Kaci Fell, Eric Oakley, back row: Jesci Ewell, Adam, Kellie Spettle, and Amy Winkleman showing who's #1 after the OSU vs. Texas game!

Bottom pic: Emily Collins and Kaci Fell at the OSU vs. Texas game!!!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Mo's Party Pics

Sorry I couldn't post the pictures with the story below, but it just wouldn't let here they are!

In the Pictures: Maureen Orth(soon to be Botos), Kaci Fell, Kelly Eberly, Lindsay Hug, Lindsay Pigman(Terpening), and Maria Goodsite(DePaola) before heading to Put-In-Bay!

2nd Pic: Kelly Eberly and Kaci Fell sipping of Strawberry Daquiri's!

3rd Pic: Lindsay Hug, Kelly Eberly, and Kaci Fell doing a little dance!

4th Pic: Maureen Orth and Kaci Fell looking at 1 camera, while Kelly Eberly and Michelle Goodhart(soon to be Brown) look at another camera!

Mo's Bachelorette Party!

Last weekend was my good friend, Maureen Orth's bachelorette party at Put-In-Bay! We had to meet at Maria's house by 4pm, well needless to say, we are all girls and 3 girls getting ready in one bathroom, just doesn't happen. So Kelly, Lindsay, and I were about 15 mins late! Oops. Once we arrived, we all had a toast of Champagne to Maureen and her future life with Tony(fellow buckeye)! Shortly after arriving, we all packed into 2 cars and headed to Port Clinton to board the Jet Express! While waiting for the boat to come get us, we all had a drink, well most of the girls did a shot, and I had a strawberry daiquiri(to be shared with everyone becuase I couldn't drink it down in 5 minutes).

Finally the boat arrived and we got to be the first ones on the boat and ran to the very top to sit at the back of the boat so we could see everything, well we didn't think about the wind, and by the time we took the 22 minute boat ride there, everyones hair was destroyed. But, good thing Michelle was smart enough to bring a brush, so everyone passed it around to get all the tangles out of their hair! Our next stop was by the fountain to take a group picture! With 14 girls, it was a little hard to see everyones faces. We then walked to Mr. Ed's to eat dinner out on the patio and start the party! It took us about an hour and a half to eat dinner, but once dinner was over Mo had to put on her "Suck for a Buck" t-shirt to start making her money! I believe she made out that night...around $200! Good thing Lindsay Pigman was treasurer and taking care of all the money Mo made! Someone has to be responsible! We all went inside to dance to the band...they were excellent, but I don't have a clue who they were....sorry! We actually stayed at Mr. Ed's until 11ish before heading next door to another bar, and I am horrible, yet again because I don't have the slightest idea what the name of that bar was? But it didn't matter, I was with some of the best girls ever, celebrating Mo's finally days!

We had to be back to the boat by 11:45pm to head back to Port Clinton, well most of us made it(I was the first, of course)! And, 2 girls(Lindsay Hug and Maria Goodsite) were no where to be found. So we called their cell phones like crazy and got no answer, finally about 2 minutes before the boat left, here they come laughing and smiling, and saying see we told you we still had time!

When we got back to Maria's house, we started to munch out on Doritos, and Snyder pretzels with cheese(thanks to Kelly, they are my new favorite snack)! After laughing our butts off for about an hour and talking about old times...some of us (4 of us to be exact)started to fall asleep on the couch(it was a pretty big couch)! Around 3ish, I woke up to having small candy penis' being thrown at me, Kelly, and Maria! So as I sobered up, I decided to head back to Norwalk to get a good nights sleep! And indeed, I DID! I didn't even get out of bed the next day until 6:30 pm! But it was so nice to stay in bed all day and worth every minute of it!